Saturday, November 15, 2014

Kisses for Mommy

Dear Titus,
You giving me kisses during our family photo shoot.
   I just want to record something sweet that you did recently that I never want to forget. Lately you have started giving kisses. Its not exactly a lips-together-smooch kind of kiss, though. Instead you do what all babies do when they are first learning to show affection- you open your little bird mouth and lean in to the object of your affection and give a sloppy, wet kiss.
   Well the other day, daddy, Maximus, you and I were playing around in the family room. Daddy started holding Maximus down and tickling him and I would "save Maximus from the tickle monster.' Then, the "tickle monster" turned on me and held me down and tickled me. Well... Mommy DOES NOT like to be tickled. I started screaming and pleading, and I am sure I sounded pretty dramatic and upset. Then, all of the sudden, you came crawling over as fast as you could and started kissing my face with your little bird mouth.
You and Me
    I think you were kissing me because thats what I do for you when you are hurt or upset. Its a natural reflex for me to just start kissing you to make it "all better." So, when I was upset you did the same for me.  It was such a subtle little thing, but it meant the world to me.

Those are the moments I live for.  I love you so much baby boy.
