Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Best of Times

  It is official, the 12-24 month stage is my favorite.  Its when I have some of my fondest memories of your brother and its where you are now and you are reminding me just how fun it is.  You are really starting to understand the world. You think your brother is hilarious. You try to say a lot of words and you remember things that I never thought you would.  Its so fun to watch you interact with big kids because you think you are one of them.  At Maximus' soccer games you always run out onto the field with one of the spare balls and try to dribble toward the other kids.  You know you are being ornery sometimes and give me that little grin and run and try to get away with things. The way you walk and run is also so precious. You put those little hands up and try to balance as you move those little tootsies so fast.  I always say, "come here you, get over here you," and you run away shrieking with laughter.  You see your big brother give me flowers and you have started picking them off of our branches and bringing me crumbled petals. I wish I could save them all so I take pictures of all of them.
   As much fun as I am having with you boys, I regret to say I don't always act like it. While this is such a fun and happy time in life it is also very busy... and loud... and chaotic.  I admittedly don't do well when there is not order and calmness around me. So sometimes I start to get over-stimulated when you are crying, Maximus is whining, the dogs are scratching at the door, the family room looks like Christmas morning and I am trying to make dinner or do something else that requires my attention. Sometimes I stay rational enough to calmly distract you and Maximus with a game, the TV or whatever.  Sometimes I take a "mommy time out" and lock myself in my room for a few minutes until I hear you and Maximus stop crying (I keep you gated in the family room). Also sometimes I don't keep it together and I yell.  I almost always immediately feel bad, but I still can't seem to keep from doing it sometimes.
Your little tootsie is always sticking out
   Everyone says boys are hard when they are younger... and I suppose that is true. You guys are a lot of work at this stage because so much of what you do requires me to help you. While that is "hard" sometimes, it is also the biggest blessing I will ever receive- the opportunity to be such an integral part of your development and growth. One time recently your Paps looked at me when I was about to have a moment of panic/yelling and he said, "just think, all of this chaos is the sound of your happiness."  And he was so right. Someday I'm sure I would give anything to have my floors covered in toy trucks and soccer balls and super heroes. Someday I will see a water bottle and wish I could hear your sweet little one year old voice saying "mama" and pointing to it because you don't know how to say "water."
   The truth is, I am in the best days of my life. And even if I get overwhelmed sometimes, I won't lose sight of that truth. I love you so much. Thanks for being my joy.

The best swing. You stayed there for 30 minutes with me.