Sunday, February 27, 2022



Dear Titus,

  On February 14th, 2022 our sweet boy Bones died. He was the absolute sweetest dog any of us have ever known. We found him before you were born, one month before Maximus was born. He had been abandoned. He was so skinny and dehydrated- close to death. He immediately bonded with dad and despite my best efforts to re-home him, I fell fast for him and would cry every time we dropped him off with a potential owner. He was made for us.

   As Maximus, you and eventually your foster siblings all came into the house and grew up, Bones remained sweet and calm as ever. He tolerated our more bossy dogs, Trooper and Genji and he always knew how to make us all happy when we were sad. 

    On the weekend before he died, Bones started having trouble walking and seemed very dizzy. He wasn't eating much and would vomit. If he did walk he would walk in circles. He seemed pretty miserable. Dad and I realized it was probably time to put him down which was one of the hardest decisions we have ever made. When we told you and Max you were really sad. You asked if maybe we could get a miracle and told me you had been praying for one. 

   On Sunday morning we had a vet scheduled to come in and do an in home euthanasia. While we sat there waiting on the vet we petted Bones and decided to read him a book. You read to him even though you were sad. Dad and I thought that was very brave. After you read to him he got up and walked outside and started chewing on a stick, like nothing was even wrong. He seemed quite happy and we thought that just maybe you had gotten your miracle.

   Unfortunately things got bad again later that day and the next morning he began having seizures that never stopped. I had to take him to the emergency vet while you were at school and they put him down there. It was very very hard but I was so happy they were able to stop his suffering. I think it was good that you, Max and dad didn't have to be there at the end. And I think your prayers did give us an extra special day with him. 

I love you and we will all always love our sweet Bones.