Monday, October 20, 2014


Hi sweet Titus. You are 9 months old now. It sounds cliche but I really don't know how that is possible. It felt like it took forever for you to get here and then you got here and I blinked and you were 9 months. Its funny how differently you are already being raised than your big brother. When he was born I had him on a schedule by 4 weeks old. He ate at specific times, slept at specific times and I was always at least two months ahead on knowing what developmental milestones to be watching for. For that reason I was always keenly aware of how he was growing.
Perfect little you.
  With you it has been different. I have been raising you with more of an "attachment style" of parenting. Not because I think it was bad how we raised Maximus. In fact, I have no regrets on how he was raised. However, I think every child has a different personality and a different set of needs and so I will parent based on what I think each of you need. In your case you have been a very laid back baby from the start. You are flexible and sweet. You slept like a champ when you were first born and we got into the habit of letting you nap while we were out and about. So, I never really got you on a strict schedule. Because of that, you have never really had specific eating times and instead did "demand feeding." This has always worked out just fine until recently when you have decided to "demand" to be breastfed 3+ times a night most nights. A couple of weeks ago, daddy and I tried to break you of this habit and he tried comforting you when you cried at night (since he had no way of breastfeeding you, we figured this would work). Oh.My.Goodness are you stubborn!!! You cried in his arms off and on for an hour multiple times until finally on the second night I gave up and decided to continue feeding you at night for a little while.
   While at night I may be exhausted getting up to nurse you, I am absolutely loving the level of attachment we have right now. I know from experience with your brother that in a couple of years you will be more interested in your daddy and less interested in me. Maybe that is why this time around I am letting you get away with demand feeding a little longer... When you are "demanding," you are wanting me, and it is my honor to be the one thing you want most of all right now.

I hope this attachment keeps us close forever. I know that eventually you will be more interested in your dad, your brother, your friends, and eventually girls (Lord help me). But I will always think back to this special time and know that I was your first love.

Happy Days Picnicking with My Boys

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