Friday, April 25, 2014

A Love Letter

Dear Sweet Titus,
   Sometimes I just need to write a post so I can put to words the overwhelming emotion I have for you. This is one of those posts. I want to somehow capture how incredibly special this time in my life is. These are definitely the best days of my life. And that makes me a little sad. Its sad because I know it won't always be this way. As you grow up you will grow independent of me and I will be less relevant to you. This is just the natural course of things. I tear up imagining that one day holding you in my arms and comforting you when you cry will only be a memory. Older, wiser people tell me that every stage is good and that even when you are fully grown I will have a lot to look forward to- and I suppose they are right, but I just can't imagine anything on earth being better than having little ones in the home.
    You are very special. I guess every child is special to their momma, but I think there is something uniquely special and good about you. You are an abnormally sweet and easy-going baby. You have been that way since birth and everyone notices, not just me and daddy. Grammy and Paps always go on and on about how good you are, friends at the park notice, my grandma Hupp in Ohio who has never met you, said that she can tell there is something very sweet and special about you from pictures and videos she sees.  Even complete strangers say that you seem to be an extremely sweet baby. And they are all so right. You are a calming force to me. When I feel stressed or overwhelmed or mad or anxious, holding you makes me feel calm, joyful and grateful. Your smile melts away my stubbornness and selfishness. I can't understand how I have got it so good. I just pray that I can be a mom deserving of such a wonderful baby and that you and I will always be close.

I love you.


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