Saturday, January 17, 2015

Counting in Years

Happy Birthday Titus! Today we start counting in years as you turn one. It sounds so cliche to say but the time has gone so incredibly fast. Its hard for me to believe. Both the best part and the worst part about having kids is watching them grow up. At least this is something I am acutely aware of, and so I think I do pretty well at recognizing and basking in this absolutely perfect time in my life.

Right now I am watching you on the monitor as you crawl around in your crib happily playing with your stuffed animals and making sweet cooing sounds. Soon those sounds will be words and then sentences. Just in the past couple of weeks you seem to be more intentional in your interactions with me. You make your needs and desires very clear. Part of that is difficult as it means you have started throwing tantrums. Its also been really great because now you will make sounds and actions in order to get a reaction. For example, when I am rocking you at night and whispering sweet things to you, you always smile a great big ornery smile and shake your head no. You do it because you know I will say "yes I do," and then you will shake your head no again and laugh. I love those sweet moments with you.

As you grow cognitively you also are growing physically at a remarkable pace. You are shaping up to be a tall little guy- currently taller than 98% of kids your age. Your head is also huge- a trait your dad claims you get from me because I have a big head too. I just tell him it means we have big brains :). You are still on the skinny side, but you eat like a giant! The doctor said you must have a high metabolism because of how much you eat and poop! Luckily you eat good food too, not just junk. So far there are very few things I have found that you won't eat.  We had your first birthday party this weekend and you man-handled that cake! It was so funny to watch. And you loved playing with your balloons and interacting with everyone who came to the party. Grandma Nene even came from Ohio to help us celebrate you. One thing is very clear... you are loved extraordinarily by many, many people. I hope you recognize and feel that every day of your life.

Of course no one loves you as much as I do. We have a bond that no one can duplicate. My love for you is different than for anyone else. You are a calming presence to me. You are so incredibly innocent and sweet and when I look at you all of the chaos in my mind goes away. You don't even realize how powerful you are. You are every bit my baby, and yet you are growing up so fast.

I love you my 1 year old!  Happy Birthday to you!

You riding your new tricycle with Maximus

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