Sunday, April 5, 2015

Walking, Talking Titus

Oh Titus you are in a fun stage!  We just got back from a trip to Ohio to visit family and by the end of the trip you had started walking pretty well.  We have been encouraging you for a few months now but you were mostly uninterested. I think being with your cousins helped.  Now we are home and you walk everywhere. You follow me around the house more quickly now that you don't have to crawl and you love walking around outside.  You always get this grin on your face because I think you feel confident and happy now that you can walk.  You are also very assertive. When you are walking you are always pointing and babbling as though you are telling us what to do. Its adorable. Your favorite sound to make it "ck."  You say "ck" for "truck" and "car" and "drink." I love it. I love how you think you are saying the real word.

I think you are going to be a very tough and strong minded little boy. You know exactly what you want and you make it known.  And even when you get hurt you don't make a big deal of it.  You might cry for a second but then you just kind of stand up and move on.  I guess you have to be tough since you have a big brother. You love it when he chases you and you chase him back.  Sometimes he playfully pushes you and you fall down, but it doesn't seem to bother you much, most of the time you just laugh and get back up.

The second year is probably my favorite stage for babies. Its when you will really start to understand the world around you and we will start to understand who you are as your own little person.  I am loving it so far. Everything about you is perfect in my eyes.


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