Tuesday, December 29, 2015

My Strong-Willed, Stanky Legged Motorcycle Boy

  I hate that it has been so long since I wrote to you on this blog. Almost every day I think of how much I want to record and document about this time in life and how much I want to say to you that you can't understand yet but will someday.
   Let me sum up the last 7 months since my last entry... I thought you were going to be "my difficult child." I began looking at books to help me deal with "the strong willed child," I sought wisdom from people I trust. I joked with family and close friends about you testing my wills and having inherited the "Johnson family temper."  You seemed like you went through a stage of 3-4 months where you were screaming and whining and throwing fits from the moment you woke up in the morning until bed time. I kept feeling your gums, hoping that your 2 year molars were coming in early and that that was what was causing the outbursts. I brought you to a pediatric ear specialist to see if I should get you tubes thinking you were having chronic ear pain. I started blaming myself for having a temper thinking that you may have witnessed it and thought that was an appropriate way to get what you wanted. I loved you all the while, but I was seriously struggling with how to manage your behaviors.

   Then about a month ago, things changed. You started communicating so much better. You went from muttering one to two words at a time to practically talking in sentences.  You really know how to make you needs known now and you are so much happier. In fact you spend most of your days now laughing and being silly. You say some of the sweetest things- like my favorite- "mommy hold you."  Maximus always used to say that and I loved it then and I love it now when you say it to me.  You pronounce things so cute too- like when you call Mars, "Gonch," and Hulk Smash, "Hoke Shash." You also like to tell everyone, "I'm Ty Ty" and anything Maximus says, you repeat, and usually laugh.

  I think my favorite thing you have been doing in this stage is what we call your "happy gallup." Whenever someone gives you food or tells you something that makes you happy, you do this happy little skip/gallup. I don't know where it started but it is adorable.  You also are the cutest dancer ever. You and Maximus like doing a dance called the "Whip and Nae Nae."  You are especially good at a move known as the "stanky leg."

  Did I mention how much you love motorcycles? By 'love' I mean you are obsessed with them.  Santa got you a motorcycle for Christmas and you really feel like a big boy on it. I am nervous that you will be a bit of a dare devil when you grow up because you seem to love high adrenaline things, like motorcycles and jumping off of tall furniture.

   You are still a huge eater and you poop a lot. You love sleep and usually ask for naps.  The more you grow, the more I think you have a lot in common with me, which makes me feel really good.  For example, I never liked my freckles until I noticed yours. I love everything about you.


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