Friday, June 3, 2016

Mr. Articulate

Dear Sweet Titus,

   I don't know why people hate the "terrible twos." I think it is my favorite age.  I laugh every day and feel overwhelmed with joy because of you, my little two year old. My little, verbal, articulate two year old. The things that come out of a smart 2 year olds mouth are hilarious. You are quite certain that you are the ultimate authority around our house, you are acutely aware of how to manipulate us by your cuteness and you speak in full, descriptive sentences.  You don't just say "no" or "yes," you will answer very assertively like, "No I don't want that, sorry mommy." Your voice is so precious and sometimes you make the "L" sound instead of the "R" sound, so you say things like "I'm leally leally cold, mommy!"  You had swim lessons these past two weeks and you were so cold so you kept yelling that to me. We aren't allowed to go over to the pool during your lessons so I had to let you keep crying to me without comforting you. It was so hard but you ended up doing great at swimming and now you love the water!  You also have started saying, "haHAhaHAHA" about things when you are being ornery. Its so funny and I am not sure where you got it.  Yesterday you pulled the stickers off your "good boy chart" and said, "I took these off, HaHAhaHAHA!"

I think of you constantly when we are not together and when I get home you are always so excited to see me and run into my arms. You beam at me and it is the best feeling in the world. Your little face is always messy, your hair is crazy and we call you "rooster boy" sometimes. You are so tough and yet so tender. You chase Maximus around and try to beat him up, even though you are the little brother and you adore your big bro. Then you will turn around and sweet talk baby Mariah who has been staying with us. You love to dance and shake your booty all the time. You still love motorcycles. Now we have to sing "Twinkle twinkle motorcycle" at night before you go to sleep.  I will always Love that special memory.

Life is good because of you. I love you more than anything Ty Ty.

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