Sunday, April 12, 2020

2020 Quarantine

Dear Titus,

  Today was Easter 2020. It was great. It was one of the most low key holidays we have ever had. You boys woke up and checked out your Easter baskets, we made "resurrection rolls" and watched church online. Then you and Maximus made some pictures and filled a basket of candy for grammy and
paps and we went over to their house with donuts. We had to leave the treats on their doorstep then stay 6 feet away when we visited with them. That's because we are in the middle of the Coronavirus Pandemic. A virus that started in China has spread throughout the world and is highly contagious. People catch it quickly and many people have to be hospitalized or even die from it. In order to reduce transmission, the local, state and federal government has put orders into effect limiting contact that people can have outside of their home. It's been really weird. Your school shut down for the rest of the year in March. Dad and I have both been working from home and trying to homeschool you and Maximus. Restaurants and businesses are shut down. There is a lot of hysteria in the news. They recommend that you wear face masks when in public and you are supposed to stay at least 6 feet away from people at all times. So, needless to say, you, Maximus, dad and I have spent a lot of time together lately. We get a little stir crazy sometimes and we miss our friends and family. You spend 30 minutes every school morning on a zoom meeting with your classmates. Yesterday we met grandma, granny Ann, and the Boggs at Dairy Queen drive through and sat across the parking lot from each other in our cars. Luckily the weather in AZ is still really nice and we get to be outside a lot. You and Maximus play basketball on our driveway every day and we go on a lot of walks. 
   You and I were supposed to go on a mommy-son trip to Universal Studios and Santa Monica over spring break. The day we left though, we drove halfway there and decided to turn around because everything was being shut down because of COVID19. I was really sad and cried. You weren’t too sad. You were actually more sad about leaving Maximus and dad so I think you were relieved to head home. You are always kind of a homebody. Still, I hope we will get to do a 1:1 trip together next year or sometime so we can make memories together. 
     We still see the Grudeckis a lot. We haven't really quarantined from them. We did an Easter Egg hunt with them today at the park. It was really sweet. I loved watching you run carefree and be so excited when you would find an egg. I would give you hints on where to find them, because I wanted you to get a lot <3. I loved watching you open your eggs and fill your mouth full of jelly Beans. 
This morning when you and Maximus were looking through your baskets I looked at dad and said, "this may be one of the last Easters we have like this." I don't know how much longer the holidays will be magic for you so I am glad this one was so special. You and Maximus both slept in our bed last night because the thought of a giant bunny hopping through our house is kind of terrifying (for all of us). HAHA. It's not often that we let you and your brother both sleep in our bed but when you do you both always want to sleep on my side. You both say you like how my pillow smells. I think it smells like my shampoo or something. When dad asks why you don't like his side you always say, "because your pillow smells like hot gravy!" HAHAH.  I don't know where you got that but it always cracks me up. 
     I love you buddy. Thanks for making today so magical for me. 

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