Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sweet Things I Want to Remember

Hi Titus,

  Again it has been way too long since I wrote to you. Over a year this time. Multiple times every week you say things that make me think, "I need to write that down." In your sweet, gentle way, you same some of the wisest and sweetest things that make me stop in my tracks. A couple weeks ago we were in loading up the van to drive home from Flagstaff and you just said, "I love you mommy" and then "I thank God that you are my mommy." I don't know what made you say all that but it made me feel like the happiest person in the world.
  You are in kindergarten now and doing great. You are reading, learning math and getting along well with all your classmates. You get "blue days" almost every day. Blue is the highest level in the behavior chart that your teacher uses. When you first started kindergarten you had a couple of orange and green days but now you are almost always blue. I just love when I pick you up on Wednesdays (the only day that I get off work early enough to pick you guys up from school) and you run out and say, "Guess what! Today I got a red" with an ornery grin on your face. I pretend to believe you for a moment but you can't contain yourself and always tell me right away, "just kidding! I got a blue!"I recently had a parent-teacher conference with your teacher Mrs. Arnold. She was telling me how sweet you are and how great of questions you ask. She said you have a very "evolved brain." She was saying how often kids your age ask very simple questions and they are usually more self-centered. She noticed with you, though, that you always seem to understand context and you have concern for how other people feel. I have witnessed that a lot with you. Sometimes I probably expose you to too much compared to most parents. I have talked to you at length about homelessness, drugs, kidnappers, the Holocaust, among others. You always listen carefully and ask a lot of questions and I can see the wheels turning in your mind as you try to wrap your head around how people live and survive with such different circumstances than your own. I want you to know that there is good and bad in the world and I want you to always be a champion for good and stand up for the weak and vulnerable. From what I can see, this comes very naturally to you.

 I love you so much my sweet boy. I am so grateful that you are my son.

Mommy       .       

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