Saturday, August 20, 2016

Always My Baby

My Sweet Titus,
  Life has changed a lot in the past two weeks.  We took in baby Hope as our first foster child.  She is an adorable, happy, smiley baby girl and we all bonded with her immediately.  It has been interesting to watch you and see how this addition changes you.
On our date
I love watching you play.
  In the past couple of weeks I have noticed a dissonance in you between wanting to be treated and coddled like a baby, and your adamant stance that you are a big boy, not a baby.  You have been more cuddly toward me and somewhat more "needy."  You have wanted your paci more often (its only supposed to be used for sleep), and you have been having more emotional outbursts than usual.  You seem to love baby Hope, but sometimes you are jealous of her. Tonight she was crying and I was laying on the floor with her and you came and laid on my belly with your head on my chest so I couldn't tend to Hope. I found myself torn between wanting to comfort the baby and wanting to soak in that moment with you. Luckily daddy helped out and comforted Hope so I could just hold you.  Last week we went on a date to get Gelato together and I have been taking more time to tuck you in at night so that you know you are special, even if there is a new baby in town. And you really are special.  I just can't get enough of your voice, your personality, and your beautiful face.  I also am borderline obsessed with your tootsies. You are so funny, smart and tough. You are curious and sweet. I love listening to you play with your superheroes, in your own little world, unaware of anything else around you.
I love this pic of you on a date with daddy...
Look how you are digging into daddy's gelato.
 At night when I tuck you in, I often say, "you are my baby." You correct me and say, "no I am a big boy," but then I tell you that even though you are a big boy, you will always be my baby, and you don't argue with that. :)

I love you so much TyTy

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