Tuesday, January 24, 2017

"A Starts with Apple"

  Since you were born I have always felt a sense of peace around you that I rarely feel with anyone else. I call you my soulmate because I feel so at ease when I am holding you and when you are not around I feel like I am not complete.  There is nothing intentional about it, its just a connection that I have with you that naturally occurs and I have never even considered the idea that you might intentionally try to keep me happy.
  However, the other day I had a realization about you that I wanted to share in this blogpost. A few months ago you started realizing that letter sounds form words and one day you said to me, "mommy A starts with apple." Naturally, I was ecstatic when you said that and I got very excited that you were making this connection. I could see pride in your face when I reacted in that way and gave you praise.
  Then a couple of weeks ago I was mad about something that one of you kids had done and was probably yelling or speaking in a stern tone. I remember out of the blue you came to me and said, "mommy A starts with apple." Even in my frustration I paused for a moment to cheer for you and smile and give you praise. A few days ago it happened again- I was mad about something and you could tell and you just interrupted me and said, "mommy A starts with apple." I realized that you had done that several times lately when I was upset about something and that my response was always a happy one. Finally it occurred to me that you were intentionally trying to cheer me up and you knew that by saying that it would make me happy, even if only briefly.  The thought just warms my heart that your sweet little mind would work in such a kind and caring way. How many barely 3 year olds have that kind of insight and take it upon themselves to do something to make others happy? I think it speaks to your sweet nature.  Thank you for being my little peace-maker, both naturally and intentionally.

I love you so much little boy,

PS: Another adorable thing you have been doing lately is saying "lets marry" and then puckering up to give me a kiss on the lips. While I have had to explain to you that I am already married to daddy, I think it is so sweet that you associate a kiss on the lips with being married. Whoever marries you someday will be very very lucky.

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